Notepad and Paint Become Optional Features in Windows 10

Double click it, to start this open-source text editor whenever you want. Open the web browser and go to the official website of Notepad++ and download the latest available version. Click on the “Download” button, and the program will begin downloading to your computer. Let us proceed further and look at how we can launch the already installed Notepad++ app. To open the Ubuntu center, click on the “Activities” menu on the left side of the desktop, as highlighted in the snapshot below.

The May 2020 update also brings the Your Phone app’s Calls feature to ARM supported PCs. You’ll also notice that Windows Magnifier will now be able to keep the text cursor in the centre of the screen. Furthermore, Microsoft has also brought some other accessibility improvements as well. Microsoft has also offered an easier and faster pair experience for your Bluetooth devices. Additionally, there are additional kaomoji characters that you can access from the Windows emoji keyboard or by pressing the Windows key along with the period key.


Here is a clear set of steps to follow, so you can get to using Notepad right away. Note that the above reinstall procedure requires internet connectivity, as the system downloads the package via Windows Update. Running the above commands on an offline system would cause the DISM error0x c. Alternatively, you can use the DISM command-line to uninstall and then reinstall Notepad.

  • If you have some experience with other editors, you could try using them instead of vi at the moment and then experiment with vi if you need to do more advanced editing.
  • I also use Windows Notepad for quick copy/paste of info to remove formatting or to make a note to myself that I don’t necessarily want to hang on to.
  • With this plugin you can simply press Ctrl + Shift + H to bring up the preview, saving you plenty of time effort.

With Notepad, users do not have the liberty to do a lot of things, thus they may often Notepad. After that, the new text editor will be listed on the How do you want to open this file? Select the new text editor there, click the Always use this app to open .txt files option, and press the OK button.

Sessions are a set of files that can all be opened with one click or command. This is a type of file management system in Notepad++. The files don’t even need to be in the same directory or drive to be opened.

One response to “Recover Deleted Notepad Files From Windows 10 Hard Disk”

Notepad’s code editor is a robust alternative to Windows, and it is open-source. Features such as syntax highlighting, document viewing, bracket matching, auto-completion, and color codes are available. To run Notepad, you can install it on Ubuntu via either of the two methods. Notepad is one of the most versatile and popular code editor applications for Windows users.

Notepad++ is ancient and a lot of people use it because they are familiar with it’s features. VS Code is not an IDE, just an editor with super powers. It’s very fast and very capable if you know how to use it. I personally think that VS Code is good but a lot of people recently started to use it for everything, which I don’t understand when there are good free IDEs available. I generally have the all installed, as well as Eclipse. Visual Studio and Notepad++ get the most usage by far.

How to Install Notepad++ in Ubuntu?

OneNote 2016 is free and is available from the Microsoft Store and the Mac App Store. OneNote for Windows 10 is a universal app that comes with every Windows install. Microsoft OneNote is organized like a digital three-ring binder with notebook, sections, and pages. It is available for macOS, Android, iOS, and in the cloud. OneNote is available in two flavors and it is important to understand their differences. Use the Microsoft account to sync all notes to other devices via OneNote.

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